16.Japanese black tea

  • 16.Japanese black tea
  • 16.Japanese black tea
  • 16.Japanese black tea
  • 16.Japanese black tea
  • 16.Japanese black tea
  • 16.Japanese black tea


鈴木 渉太(しょうた)

Shota Suzuki

Birthday: October 10th, 1993

Height: 183 cm

Weight: 66 kg

Zodiac sign: Libra

Blood type: O

Hobbies: Playing soccer, watching movies (action, drama)

Favorite book genre: young adult mystery (by Yusuke Higuchi)

Favorite foods: soba, fish (tuna), oden

Favorite color: green

Siblings: One younger brother

Hometown: 75 Kitabancho, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City

Current location: Tokyo

Employment: Foreign-affiliated IT company in Shinjuku

He has a British, Japanophile grandmother who influenced him to become very familiar with and knowledgeable about Japanese tea

He is cool-headed and is firmly composed for his age.

The women around him think his maturity is classy, but he is wondering to himself whether he gives off such an old-fashioned vibe.

He sometimes teaches Japanese tea brewing methods to Kasumi, who he met in Fukuoka in the summer of 2014.

古賀 加純(かすみ)

Kasumi Koga

Birthday: June 10, 1997

Height: 155 cm

Weight: private

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Blood type: B

Hobbies: watercolor painting, taking walks, watching Ghibli movies

Favorite book genre: love comedies (by Hiroshi Arikawa)

Favorite foods: tonkotsu ramen, fish (Japanese flounder), ice cream

Favorite color: white

Siblings: One older sister

Hometown: 1 Ogusu, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City

Current location: Tokyo

Employment: apparel manufacturer in Shibuya

She moved from Hakata, Fukuoka to Tokyo alone in 2015 and enrolled in a technical school to become a clothes designer. Since spring 2017, she has been working as a designer apprentice at an apparel manufacturer.

She likes both Western and Japanese clothing but still struggles with cooking.

She sometimes has Shota teach her how to brew Japanese tea.

She has many female friends and a sunny personality but is awkward with males.